I. Criteria for evaluation of language study:
- Exhaustiveness: all relevant materials &
- Consistency: no contradiction
- Economy: short
- Objectivity
II. Main branches of linguistics
ØPhonetics ØPhonology ØMorphology ØSyntax ØSemantics ØPragmatics
III. Macrolinguistics
ØPsycholinguistics ØSociolinguistics ØAnthropological linguistics ØComputational linguistics
IV. Important distinctions in linguistics
- Descriptive/Prescriptive: facts/rules
- Synchronic/Diachronic: at some point in time/through time
(difficult to draw a sharp line between this two aspects-why?)
- Langue/parole: abstract linguistic system/actualized language (distinctions?)
- Competence/Performance: ideal/actual realization
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