I. Definition of phonology
II. The distinction between phonetics and phonology
- definition
- range
III. The basic unit of phonology: phoneme
- definition: distinguish
- Allophone 音位变体
-conditions: Phonetic similarity & Complementary distribution
- Free variants 自由变体
IV. Segments in Contrast
- Minimal Pairs 最小对立体: …differ one segment in the same position
V. Distinctive feature
- proposed by Roman jakobson
- definition
- eg, /p/ & /b/
VI. Syllable(以发音为准而不是字母数量)
- Ø English syllabic structure (ccc)v(cccc)
Ø Chinese syllabic structure (c)v(c) - open syllable & close syllable
- Maximal onset principle: eg. telling
- Stress: degree of force; relative
word stress & sentence stress
VII. Phonological Processes
- 3 aspects: undergo; produce; apply
- Typical phonological processes: ØNasalization ØDentalization ØVelarization
- Phonological rules ???
- Assimilation
-Progressive assimilation: eg. /map/
-Regressive assimilation: eg. can; sink; since
- Devoicing 清音化
- The rule ordering: elsewhere condition
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