I. Definition of morphology
- internal structure and rules
II. Morpheme
- definition: minimal meaningful unit
- fundamental properties of human language—— discreteness.
- Morph(语素形式)
- Allomorph (语素变体)
- The classification of morphs as allomorphs is based on
(i) Similarity of meaning(ii) Complementary distribution
III. Classification of morphemes
- Free morpheme
- Bound morpheme:
-Derivational morphemes: derive new words
-Inflectional morphemes: syntactical relations
- Inflections related to English nouns
- Infections related to English verbs
- Inflections related to English adjectives: comparative or superlative
- Processes related to inflection:
Internal change; Suppletion (不规则字形变化); Reduplication; Tone placement
“Both derivational morphemes and inflectional morphemes are bound morphemes.” (?)
- Root: base form
- Stem: can add an inflectional affix
- Affix: only add to other morphemes; bound
Division of affix:
-inflectional affix and derivational affix.
-prefix, infix and suffix; circumfix
- Morphophonemics
- Phonological conditioning
- Dissimilation (异化)
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