I. Definition of word
- Definition
Morpheme < word < word group< phrase < clause < sentence
- Lexeme
- Identification of words: ØStability ØRelative uninterruptibility ØA minimum free form
II. Classification of words
- Function Words/grammatical words: grammatical meaning-conj. prep. articles, pronouns, determiners
Content Words/Lexical words: n. v. adj. adv.
- close class words: fixed and limited-Pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles; function wd are ~
open class words: Øverbs, adjectives, and many adverbs; content words are ~
III. Word formation
- Compounding:adj+adj: bittersweet, icy-cold; adj+n: poorhouse, wildfire; adj+v:endocentric
- Affixation/derivation
- Invention (创新词语)
- Shortening:
- blending(混成法) Smoke+fog=smog
- Abbreviation(缩写法)/clipping: Professor-Prof
- Acronym/Initialism(首字母缩略词)
- Back-formation(逆构法): deletion of a supposed affix. editor →edit
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